Latest Past Events

Outback-at-Work Charity Lunch Event

It's that time again! Place your order for a delicious mixed-grill meal by contacting Friends at Friends' volunteers will deliver meals to your work (within Gwinnett County only please & minimum group order of 5 for delivery). All proceeds benefit Friends of Gwinnett Seniors and provide funding for programs such as home-delivered meals and…


Come join us for the 2nd Annual Fish4 Friends July 14 for an 8:00am launch @ Lake Lanier presented by Green Financial Resources LLC. Contact Gary Galloway for more information at or 678.377.3020.   To register:


Lanier Islands Legacy Golf Course 7000 Lanier Islands Pkwy, Buford

Join us for our 7th Annual Golf4Friends Charity Classic presented by Green Financial Resources LLC to benefit senior home repair and in-home fall and/or fire hazard correction.